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Happy (belated) New Year and New Updates!


It's been quite a while before we have update for the blog, it's because we've been busy preparing the prototype for a small showcase on Manikmaya's PlayDay Camp. So.. Happy belated New Year for you!

The first update I want to share is the map for the thief game (we called 'Project LeVoleur/LV' - working title). We decided to create 60cmx60cm map which can be folded in 4 sections.

folded map

unfolded map

With this new map, the loot cards can be stored neatly on the upper part and a lot easier to carry. When showcasing the game to PlayDay's participant, it seems the current mechanic proved too 'heavy' to be enjoyed :(. We decided to give a major changes to the mechanic soon!

The second update is: Final design and packaging for King's Feud! Yay! Finally, we find a way to create the packaging and dice tower at the same time!

King's Feud Box (prototype)

Opened box

The lid and base can be combined to create dice tower. All other components are neatly stored on inside drawer.

I really like how the packaging prototype turned out. Because the game rely heavily on dice, providing dice tower can be a good idea, right? :3

The last update is: we got another contributor for FeiraTochi Games! Please welcome Didiek Arifman, an illustrator and an old friend of mine. He will be incharge for most images on Project LV. Please wait for his amazing work in this blog!

Again, thank you so much for reading this blog!

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